Pomona College services with a smile to celebrate birthday

Volunteers help Pomona College celebrate its 136th birthday on October 12 with a Founders Day community service project to benefit unhoused adults and children in the San Gabriel Valley. Photo/courtesy of Jeffrey Hing

Pomona College celebrated its 136th birthday on Thursday, October 12, with a Founders Day community service project at Marston Quad. Volunteers from the college and San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments assembled approximately 900 snack, hygiene and activity kits for Alhambra Teacher’s Association, Esperanza Villa, God’s Pantry, House of Ruth, Inc., Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Operation Stay Safe, Serenity Homes of Napa Valley, Shepherd’s Pantry, and Sycamores. The kits will benefit unhoused adults and children in the San Gabriel Valley.

The Draper Center for Community Partnerships also hosted a volunteer fair that connected students, faculty and locals with involvement opportunities and programs in the area. To learn more, visit pomona.edu.


Volunteers assembled approximately 900 snack, hygiene and activity kits for local organizations that serve unhoused adults and children in the San Gabriel Valley. Photo/courtesy of Jeffrey Hing


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