by Andrew Alonzo | Claremont Police Department officers responded to an altercation at Claremont High School Tuesday, resulting in a “soft lockdown” on campus, following news of a student’s death in an early morning auto collision on...
Beloved family member, friend, colleague, accomplished archeologist John Gordon Douglass, beloved family member, friend, colleague, and accomplished archeologist, died peacefully at home on November 12 at the age of 56 after a brief illness. Born in Claremont, John...
Logician, scholar of ancient Greek philosophy and language Charles (“Chuck”) Young, longtime Claremont resident and professor of philosophy at Claremont Graduate University, died at home on August 30 in the loving arms of his wife of 40 years. He was 79. “Chuck was...
by Andrew Alonzo | Earlier this month, Pomona College received a joint letter from the American Civil Liberties Union, among others, asserting the school’s recent suspension of 10 students for the academic year due to their alleged...
by Mick Rhodes | In the last years of his life, my grandfather and I would sit on the back porch of his Pomona home and shoot the breeze. The conversations were usually about trivial daily stuff, but as the years went on they veered into...
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