The Thoroughbred Light Show 2021 — video

Every year, the Thoroughbred community in Rancho Cucamonga puts on a light show free of charge. We waited over 2 hours to get into the neighborhood but the lights did not disappoint. The light show starts in early December and ends around Christmas each year so...
Creative Mindfulness 6: Remembering Stokowski

Creative Mindfulness 5: Carina and Mommy

Hello and welcome. This is Janice Hoffmann for the Claremont Courier, and thanks for taking a short break from your busy day to smile, as you listen to the next installment of “Creative Mindfulness”. Mindfulness is simply looking at the current moment, from another...

Heavy Storm hits Claremont

On December 14th 2021, a heavy winter storm hit Claremont and the entire west coast. The storm knocked down several trees and debris throughout the day, leaving Claremont quiet, Here are some sights and sounds from the day....