Council votes to clarify city camping ordinance

Changes to Claremont’s camping ordinance approved Tuesday will require Occupiers to petition to keep their encampment at city hall. Claremont City Council unanimously voted to clear up language within the ordinance to include activities such as Occupy Claremont....

Chamber issues statement on CPOA lawsuit

Claremont Chamber of Commerce released a statement Tuesday afternoon declaring that the chamber “did not ‘chill’ [the Claremont Police Officer’s Association’s] First Amendment Rights.”The Claremont Police Officer’s Association...

Bikers spin through Claremont

More than 100 Claremont residents got out their helmets and biking gear Sunday morning to take part in Cycle Claremont’s inaugural bicycle ride, leading locals on a bicycle tour around town. Sponsored by the city and Sustainable Claremont, Cycle Claremont is an...