Pointing high to the stars

After learning about the galaxies in her third grade class at Sumner Elementary, 9-year-old Naomi Foster is eagerly applying her newfound knowledge to discovering the skies above.   “My favorite planet is Saturn,” she stated without batting an eye....

Police blotter 4.21.12

Wednesday, April 11 A truck driver was caught off guard Wednesday morning when a 40 to 50-foot tree branch fell on top of his vehicle as he was driving down Claremont Boulevard near Earlham Drive, sustaining injuries. The driver was transported to a nearby hospital...

Readers comments 4.18.12

Bill SelkeDear Editor:Thank you for the moving notice ofBill Selke’s passing (COURIER, Saturday,April 7). We have lost a bright,engaged and valued fellow citizen.I am privileged to have known Billvirtually since his family’s arrival inClaremont and...

Claremont business owner has unique focus on healing

Twenty years ago, Joanne Dinsmore took a risk expanding her living-room meditation group into a new business venture in the Claremont Village. Two decades later, she continues to reap the rewards. The longtime owner of Claremont Healing Arts Center, a practice eastern...