OUR TOWN: City news from around Claremont

CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE: Amended sign program for Chase Bank in the Sprouts Center The Architectural Commission approved an amendment to the sign restrictions for the new Chase Bank building at the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Mountain Avenue. The...

Police blotter 5.12.12

Wednesday, May 2 A 16-year-old Antonio High School student was arrested Wednesday morning after being found urinating on the cement of the school grounds. Police determined the student was under the influence of alcohol and, upon inspection, also found a lighter in...

A life of seeking, a time of contentment

Shortly after coming to Claremont at age 10, Jill Zavidowsky started keeping a journal. Now, at 57, a suitcase in her Claremont home holds more than 50 journals in safekeeping, ready for moments when she feels like examining her former self.  “Sometimes I...