COURIER Almanac 2012-13

This year’s Claremont COURIER Almanac will really hit home with people who grew up here and remember the many changes Claremont to make the city what is it today. But we also wanted to see what Claremont’s neighborhoods are like today.

Remembering Karl Benjamin

Local legend, wizard of color leaves lasting legacy Speaking to those who knew Karl Benjamin, a longtime Claremonter and renowned abstract painter who died July 26 at the age of 86, 3 themes emerge: his warmth and generosity to family, friends and students; his...

Beginning a new chapter of my life

by Landus Rigsby Saying goodbye is never easy. Earlier this week, I said goodbye to the “Education & Sports Reporter” position that I have been honored to hold for nearly 6 years. But saying goodbye to the COURIER or this city as a whole wouldn’t...

Mt. Baldy Run-to-the-Top set for Labor Day weekend

The 47th annual Mt. Baldy Run to the Top will be held on Labor Day, September 3. One of the oldest runs in the west, the race ends at the summit of Mt. Baldy, an elevation of 10,064 feet. The course starts at the top of Mt. Baldy Road, offering a 4000-foot elevation...