Readers comments 11.28.12

Unreasonable search Dear Editor: Last Wednesday, the COURIER provided us an overview of the city’s recently-installed automatic license plate reader cameras. [“Hi-tech cameras keep watchful eye on Claremont,” November 21.] Our city council’s...

CHS sports had roller coaster season of success

Claremont football experienced another frustrating year in the Sierra League, dropping the final 3 contests and finishing 3-7 on the season. One highlight, however, was a shellacking of Damien. Juniors Craig Myers, Cecil Fleming  and Baron Franklin will continue...

Church helps those who need a warm holiday boost

There were smiles and tears last Wednesday as dozens of volunteers gathered at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church in Claremont to prepare for the 19th annual Thanksgiving Day Meal. The smiles shone on the faces of participants who knew their work would result in 3000 turkey...

Old house has new home next to Wilderness Park

A piece of Pomona College history was once again on the move last week, but not in one of the college’s typical gallery exhibitions. The center of the latest traveling display is a historic, 30-square-foot building. Known to many as the Replica House, the...