In the wake of Friday’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, people across the country are struggling to make sense of a massacre that was senseless. The gunman, a troubled 20-year-old named Adam Lanza, didn’t just kill 26...
In the year following encampment on the steps of Claremont City Hall, the city’s Occupiers have shifted focus from protest to action. While the tents and demonstrations remain only a memory, members of Claremont’s Occupy group continue to improve upon its...
BRIDGES AUDITORIUM: 450 N. College Way, Pomona College. Box office hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 621-8032. Tickets may be purchased online at Military discounts are available through box office for most shows. —December...
Kimberly Neal wipes away a tear while praying with her sons Ryan and Sean as well as her husband Jason on Friday during a Prayer Vigil for Newtown, Connecticut at the Claremont United Church of Christ. The 30-minute service was an opportunity for community members to...
While there is certainly truth in the age-old adage that “times have changed,” Yiannis Greek Restaurant on Yale attributes its long-lasting legacy in Claremont to the fact that it hasn’t. As the Claremont Village bursts with new economic life, and...
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