Margaret Paul Scott

Loving matriarch, active Republican, avid gardener Margaret Paul Scott, a former Claremont resident with deep Inland Valley roots, died peacefully on January 7, 2012. She was 94. Mrs. Scott was born in 1918 to Earl Wheeler Paul and Nellie Rugg Paul, early founders of...

Readers comments 1.16.13

Transparency now Dear Editor: While we disagree with Ms. Marilee Scaff’s opinion that the time is now to forcibly acquire Golden State (“The Time is Now,” COURIER, January 12), the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights strongly...

Reverend Doctor MaryEllen Kilsby

“Her cup overflowed” When MaryEllen Kilsby was given the opportunity to accept her first job as a senior minister, longtime Claremont family friend Kay Held encouraged her, “Do what you do best, MaryEllen: Love them.” “I do think...

Creating lifelong memories during my visit to India

by Chris Oakley [Editor’s note: COURIER Sports Reporter Chris Oakley took most of December off to travel to India for a friend’s wedding. We missed his jovial spirit in the office, but are thrilled he agreed to share his travel experience with us here....