by Enthusiast | Apr 22, 2013 | Latest News
Police are investigating a break in that occurred this morning at the Chevron gas station at 267 S. Indian Hill Blvd. Surveillance revealed a man with a beanie prying open the front doors of the business around 3:40 a.m. He made off with cash from the register and...
by Enthusiast | Apr 20, 2013 | Latest News
“This was definitely my last Boston Marathon and, of course, I will never forget it,” said Claremont resident Suzanne Wojcik as she tried to wrap her head around the tumultuous events of the previous 72 hours. It wasn’t until she was in a hotel room...
by Enthusiast | Apr 20, 2013 | Latest News
CHS boys tennis continues to roll over the competition The Wolfpack keep rolling in the Sierra League with another 2 victories. Claremont defeated Ayala last week 11-7, then beat South Hills 13-5. It is looking like first place is assured for the Pack, as they have 4...
by Enthusiast | Apr 20, 2013 | Latest News
“The History of Pharmacy,” a mural by local artists Paul Coates and Diane Divelbess, will be unveiled in the Founders Room of Keck Graduate Institute on Saturday, April 20 from 2 to 5 p.m. Mr. Coates and Ms. Divelbess, both of who earned MFAs from...
by Enthusiast | Apr 20, 2013 | Claremont Obituaries
Musician, ecumenical mission leader, mentor of students worldwide Ruth Myrl Harris, a resident of Pilgrim Place, died on April 7, 2013. She was 92. The oldest child of Ross and Esther Cole, Ms. Harris was born on June 9, 1920 in a small rural town in northeast...
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