Claremont high school sports roundup

BASEBALL The Wolfpack batted their way to a 10-1 shellacking of Charter Oak on Tuesday. Josh Chua and Nick Costello each had 3 RBI, while Tyler Witt threw a complete, 3-hit game. With 3 games to go in the regular season, Claremont needs to win out to retain the #2...

Conrad Casler memorial service update

Friends and acquaintances of the late “Connie” Casler, who died recently at the age of 83, are all invited to attend a gathering in his honor on Friday, May 10 at 2 p.m. at the Sanctuary for Spiritual Living church at 5446 N. Citrus Ave. in Covina (an...

Saving and celebrating our historic places

by John Neiuber May is Preservation Month and preservation organizations across the nation will focus their efforts on celebrating history and historic places.  The theme this year, as designated by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, is See! Save!...