Retired teacher remembers beauty queen past

Ruth Bobo has grabbed local headlines in recent months for being at the center of the ongoing Save Mrs. Bobo campaign, a grassroots effort to raise money to help the retired Claremont High School English teacher stay in her home in the face of mounting health bills....

A special spot

Senior Alisha Ryczek paints a dreamcatcher on her parking spot on Monday at Claremont High School. For the past 4 years the ASB office has held a fundraiser by raffling off exclusive parking spots to CHS seniors. The spots cost $30 on top of the $45 for a standard...

Congresswoman sets up shop in Claremont

Congresswoman Judy Chu invites the local community to an afternoon open house on Wednesday, August 28 at her new Claremont satellite office, located at 415 W. Foothill Blvd., Suite 122. The festivities begin at 1 p.m. Join the local congresswoman for a special ribbon...