Readers comments 9-12-14

A competitive water market in Claremont?Dear Editor:Robert Traer’s letter in the September 5 edition of the COURIER got me thinking. Rather than purchasing the existing water system via eminent domain from Golden State Water, would it be possible to instead...

Police blotter 9-12-14

Wednesday, September 3A resident at Claremont Place called police, alleging caretakers at the facility are committing petty theft. The woman moved into the senior living center six months ago and during that period of time, many of her items have gone missing...

Claremont in hot water over bond measure mailer

What was intended as an informational mailer on Measure W may have put the city of Claremont in hot water after attracting the attention of a Claremont homeowners political action committee sponsored by Golden State Water. “Stop the Water Tax—No on...