In politics they say “follow the money,” and Larry Schroeder has been doing just that for nearly 40 years. With a background deeply rooted in finance, it’s no wonder the council often defers to him for leadership when it comes to making the tough...
The Candlelight Pavilion will present Mel Brooks’ laugh-out-loud musical “The Producers” beginning on February 27. The story follows down-on-his-luck producer Max Bialystock and his mild-mannered accountant Leo Bloom, who come up with an...
Dedicated teacher and missionary, loving mother and grandmother On the evening of February 5, 2015, Marie Catherine Clarke Losh died peacefully in her home at Pilgrim Place from complications of multiple myeloma. She was 89 years old. She was born in Mishiwaka,...
Where are the candidates? Dear Editor: Let me get this out of the way right now: I have no issues with our current city council members. They are not the reason for this letter. It’s about the representation on the council itself that I wish to comment. I found...
by Debbie Carini When I was seven years old, I gambled for the very first time. It was at a church benefit for Sacred Heart School where I spent the first three years of my K-12 education under the tutelage of fully-habited nuns. I’m not sure how much I actually...
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