Readers comments 6-12-15

Water savings Dear Editor: This letter is in response to Chet and Eileen Jaeger’s “Water Woes” letter published in last week’s COURIER, as well as Bob Gerecke’s letter of concern about the fairness of the required 32 percent reduction in...

Taking the lead

by Debbie Carini William Butler Yeats wrote, “How can we know the dancer from the dance?” That’s easy: if you’re looking for me on the dance floor, I’m the one trying to push my poor husband all over the place. I can’t help it....

Police blotter 6-12-15

Tuesday, June 2 A burglar expanded his investment portfolio after stealing government bonds from the home of a Claremont resident. According to Lieutenant Mike Ciszek, the unknown thief entered a residence on the 800 block of Maryhurst Drive between 8:10 p.m. and 9:30...

Special Olympics run weaves through Claremont

The streets of Claremont were filled with smiling faces on Wednesday afternoon as members of the city’s police department and local athletes hit the pavement to raise awareness for Special Olympics Southern California and their mission. Claremont police...