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John B. Pedroni

Engineer, loving patriarch John Pedroni died quietly and peacefully on December 31, 2014, with his family at his side. He was just six months shy of his 100th birthday. He was born on June 24, 1915 at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. His parents, Victor...

Readers comment 9-11-15

Peppertree Square Dollar Tree Dear Editor: As a Claremont resident and the owner of the firm responsible for leasing Peppertree Square, I want to respond to Mr. Auerbach’s September 4 letter and provide further information to Claremont residents regarding Dollar...

CHS tennis program sets sights high with new coach

The Claremont High School girls tennis program has survived several head coaches over the past few years, which undoubtedly contributed to recent lackluster performances like ending the 2014 season tied for last place. The team could use a little stability, and may...