Oliver Simonian, dressed as the Red Baron, is followed by his mother, Mercury Simonian, and his grandfather, Paul Simonian, dressed as clouds, during the Village Venture costume parade. It was a picture perfect day in the Claremont Village as kids of all ages...
The time is now Dear Editor: The time is now. The need is great. On November 3, voters in Claremont will be asked to pass Measure PS that will build the future of public safety here in Claremont. The current police facility is too old and too small. It is time we the...
by Mel Boynton, president, Pomona Valley UNA All around the world this week of October 24, people are celebrating the 70th birthday of the United Nations. Rising in the ashes of World War II and after the 1948 adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights...
Friday, October 16 Early Friday morning at approximately 1:48 a.m., officers noticed a car stopped in the Chase Bank parking lot, located on the 800 block of south Indian Hill Boulevard, with its lights still on. In the car, they found 22-year-old Michael Campos of...
Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor brought her wealth of knowledge to a packed Bridges Auditorium crowd Thursday evening. The event was framed first as a conversation between Ms. Sotomayor and Pomona College politics professor Amanda Hollis-Brusky, then as a...
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