Getting ready for spring competition

Getting ready for spring competition

The dance team performs a James Bond themed routine during a spring sports rally on Friday at Claremont High School. The event featured games, music and of course introductions of all the sports teams that will compete in the upcoming semester. COURIER photo/Steven...

Viewpoint: What it really means to be in the Village

by Steve Comba David Shearer’s recent opinion piece (Viewpoint, February 12) about the proposed Pomona College Museum of Art raises some critical issues. Until now, I have been reluctant to address this situation publicly because I am an employee of Pomona...

Police blotter 2-26-16

Wednesday, February 17 An Upland man was arrested for DUI after rear-ending another driver. The accident happened at approximately 6 p.m. on Towne Avenue and Briarcroft Road, where police say 53-year-old Joseph Engkraf crashed into the car when both drivers were...

Just in case you’d like to look before you leap

When it comes to the word ‘leap,’ English has no shortage of expressions. We can leap for joy, grow by leaps and bounds, take a leap of faith or leap at an opportunity. This week, we take a different kind of leap altogether. Every four years, we tag on an...

Readers comments 2-26-16

A fond farewell Dear Editor: My name is Martin Ramiro Gomez Lomeli. I am the last descendent of the Marcelino Gomez family left in Claremont. My grandparents, Marcelino and Marie Gomez, emigrated from Mexico to Claremont in 1929, settling in a small house on Blanchard...