Readers Comments 9-9-16

Time to pull the plug Dear Editor: In the course of the recently-completed “right to take” phase of the city of Claremont’s eminent domain lawsuit against Golden State Water, evidence was introduced which demonstrated that the city of La...
Growing up with Mom and the community

Growing up with Mom and the community

by John Pixley The last movie my mom and I went to was Boogie Nights in 1997. And when it was over, she said, “Wow!” Yes, the movie was “pretty rough,” as she put it, set as it was in the San Fernando Valley pornography industry and featuring...

BioDensity machine focuses on increasing bone health

The Claremont Club is about to introduce a machine that could change the way osteoporosis is treated. The BioDensity machine, which will be made available to the public on September 24, is an apparatus focusing on applying pressure to the body to increase bone density...