2020s: Walking and biking in Claremont

by Mark von Wodtke Walking and biking offer tremendous freedom and fun, and help keep us fit. In an eco-village, young and old can go where they want without having to wait for a ride in a car. Motor vehicles contribute to air pollution in the South Coastal Air Basin...

Obituary: Toni Clark

Toni Clark died August 23, 2016 after a brief, fierce battle with multiple myeloma. She was 74. Her life had a daily grace she shared with her husband, family, friends and students without reservation and with an astonishingly open heart. One of the beauties of her...

Readers comments 9-2-16

Racism in America Dear Editor: I’m only now reading the August 12 COURIER about the furor over a black student wanting to live only with other students of color. She’s being racist? Come on, folks, you’re blaming the victim. It’s white people...

Tasty treats await at the LA County Fair

One of the special features of the 2016 Los Angeles County Fair is the Jurassic Planet exhibit featuring dozens of life like animated dinosaurs including the menacing looking Albertosaurs. The fair grounds were bustling as vendors were getting prepared for the 2016...