New name, same homemade biscuits and donuts

Claremont’s new donut and biscuit shop is making a change. The shop, which opened as Grizzly’s Biscuits and Donuts in April, is changing its name to Grizzby’s. The shop’s co-owners, Matt Fong and Travis Flood, were recently contacted by the...

College creep: Is it fact or fiction?

If you hang around certain circles in Claremont long enough, two words will eventually enter the conversation: college creep. The term refers to what some residents claim is an encroachment of the Claremont Colleges into the surrounding town. The colleges buy...

She has the competition all sewn up

Claremont resident Rose Ivy Wallace won the judge’s award at the Her Universe Fashion show last moth at Comic Con in San Diego. Ms. Wallace, 26, spent 10 weeks making the costume based on the character Doctor Strange. More in our next edition COURIER...

Obituary: Jean Gordon

Grandmother, dedicated Episcopal, Anglophile Jean Gordon, beloved mother and grandmother, died Monday, July 31. She was 91.  She and her husband, William H. Gordon, Jr., celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary six days before her death, on July 25. Born in...