Claremont has been thrust into the midst of a dramatic series of events regarding the upcoming Gold Line expansion, with only months before groundbreaking. Days after County Supervisor Hilda Solis made a motion to study eliminating the Claremont Metrolink Station as...
Claremont Unified School District’s school board held its first regular meeting of the 2017-18 school year last Thursday, and a crowd of protesters dominated proceedings. Pasadena resident Anne Bigley led a contingent of about 30 people wearing lime green shirts...
The Claremont High School girls varsity tennis team continued their winning ways by defeating South Hills High School, 16-2, last Thursday in Claremont. The Pack’s number one doubles team, juniors Astrid Petropoulus and Emma Behrens, won all three of their...
A document that has dogged the city for years is finally heading to the state for approval. The city council unanimously passed a group of directives known as the housing element, which is a vital part of a city’s general plan that looks at housing demographics,...
On Wednesday, September 20 a slight misunderstanding led to a Fontana man getting arrested for driving a stolen vehicle. Officers picked up on a Honda Odyssey around 8:37 a.m. that was reported stolen out of Fontana on September 15. The 34-year-old driver was arrested...
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