by John Neiuber This column is the fifth installment of the “Building Claremont” series that focuses on the architects and structures that have shaped the development and built environment of the city. At the end of 2018, the fully revised sixth edition of...
CMC literature professor, Gould Center director, scholar, author, poet Ricardo J. Quinones, a longtime Claremont resident and retired comparative literature professor at Claremont McKenna College, has died from complications of a many-year struggle with...
Transparency, please Dear Editor: In the course of the several council meetings where the proposal to switch Claremont to a by-district voting system has been discussed, the city attorney referred to a “threat” that the city had received which supposedly...
Tuesday, January 22 A transient was arrested after getting caught with a stolen bicycle. Police allege that around 7:30 a.m., 25-year-old Jason Flanagan entered a garage on the 300 block of west 12th Street and stole a $100 beach cruiser bike. The victim saw Mr....
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