Feedback wanted from Blaisdell Park residents

Residents in the Blaisdell Park neighborhood are invited to a community meeting on Saturday, March 30 at 2:30 p.m. at the Blaisdell Center, 440 S. College Ave. The meeting is to address concerns over the well-being of the park, including play structures, litter,...
Obituary: Stuart McConnell

Obituary: Stuart McConnell

Pitzer professor, author, family man Stu McConnell, professor emeritus of history at Pitzer College, died February 14 at Pilgrim Place after a years-long battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 62, and had lived and taught in Claremont for more than half his life....

Readers comments 3-22-19

Dear Editor: As a Claremont Colleges student, my heart sunk when I recently saw a cleaning lady on campus dumping everything, trash and recycling, into the same big bin. It reminded me of a podcast that I listened to a few weeks ago, which drew attention to the...