This year’s Claremont Film Festival features seven movies from around the world, including Earthrise, a 30-minute documentary that tells the story of the iconic 1968 photograph of the same name taken from lunar orbit by astronaut William Anders. The 11th annual...
The Helen Renwick Claremont Library recently received a $100,000 Presidential Initiatives grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in honor of Claremont native Danielle Allen. Ms. Allen, a 1989 Claremont High graduate, is the James Bryant Conant University Professor...
On Friday morning, May 17, Base Line Road will close from about 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. as the Amgen Tour of California passes through Claremont, according to city staff. Amgen is the largest professional cycling race in North America. Stage two of the women’s race...
All five Claremont High School boys tennis players advanced to the second round of the CIF individual championship tournament with wins in the first round on Tuesday in Redlands. Claremont’s number one doubles team Andrew Weisman and Ben Stapp got a 6-0, 6-3...
It was pandemonium in the Claremont Village as over 100 people gathered to see local American Idol finalist Alejandro Aranda. Mr. Aranda, who is from Pomona but frequently performed in the Village before his sudden stardom, has made it to the final stage of the...
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