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Obituary: Roxanne Douglas

Obituary: Roxanne Douglas

Great-grandmother, matriarch, longtime construction company executive, volunteer Roxanne “Roxie” Douglas, dear mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend, started a “new adventure” on June 8, after a struggle with cancer. She was 65. Roxanne was...

Computerized kitty coinages

by Mellissa Martinez Two years ago when we adopted a kitten from the local shelter, she came with the name Middle Me, which had been assigned by the staff. The name felt flat and boring—especially when taking into consideration her vibrant personality. I decided...

Readers comments 6-21-19

Claremont needs housing Dear Editor: Though not surprised, I was disappointed to read the comments of those who call for a park at the old La Puerta site. At the same time, I was somewhat amused to read in one letter that “we need advocates and leadership in the...

Police blotter 6-21-19

Wednesday, June 12 Nearly $400 was burglarized from a recycling center near Stater Bros. on Towne Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. Two unknown men arrived to the recycling center in a silver or tan Toyota Corolla sometime overnight between June 11 and June 12, Cpl....