ULV to host Irish folk music show On Saturday, June 4 The University of La Verne hosts “Tommy and the Brothers,” a new show about Irish folk music titans the Clancy Brothers’ and Tommy Makem’s rise to worldwide fame in Greenwich Village at the vanguard of the American...
Mother, Sycamore Elementary School librarian, traveler Elisabeth Mott DesCombes, known as Lis, died unexpectedly at her home on March 26. She was nearing a full recovery from surgery for a spinal infection and was looking forward to returning to her passions: being...
COURIER reporter and columnist Mick Rhodes’ three-part series “Gaming the System” was named both the best public journalism story and best investigative reporting in the state of California for 2021 by the California News Publishers Association. “Okay...
The winner of the 2022 4th of July Celebration National Anthem Contest is Ethan Negus, a junior at Claremont High School. Ethan will receive fireworks tickets, a special place in the parade and will perform the National Anthem at the fireworks show and flag raising...
EXHIBITION DATES: May 20 – September 25, 2022 Claremont Lewis Museum of Art, 200 W. First St., Claremont Grand Opening Saturday, May 21, 6-8 p.m. Claremont Collects: Art, Creativity, Community is the inaugural exhibition in the newly expanded Claremont Lewis Museum of...
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