Claremont native Kevin Strauss was recently named Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency’s communications manager. Previously, Strauss spent six years as a communications specialist with the City of Santa Clarita, where he lives with his wife and their two children. He was...
Grandfather, former Pomona College vice president, dean, retired professor emeritus “We mourn the loss of Hans C. Palmer, who died on May 26, 2023, at the Vinson Hall Retirement Community in McLean, Virginia,” his family shared. He had been ill for the previous six...
Grandmother, world traveler, award-winning educator Jane Prendergast, 81, of Claremont, died March 13. Jane was born on December 14, 1941 to Eleanor and Gerard McGinty in New York. She grew up in the Bronx with her brothers James (“Jim”) and John (“Jack”), and her...
Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and friend Elvira Leticia Cuevas-Fisch, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and friend, died on June 2 at age 70. She was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, to Jose and Dolores Cuevas. As a...
Artist, teacher, her family were early Claremont residents Phyllis Case Bennett, who would have been 90 this Sunday, June 18, died after a very brief illness during Covid on February 15, 2021. “We miss her very much,” her family shared. Phyllis was born June 18, 1933,...
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