On Monday, Mohamed Abousalem took over as Keck Graduate University’s third president, succeeding Sheldon Schuster, who retired after 21 years at the helm. Abousalem hopes to grow KGI under his leadership and collaborate with partners to “bring fresh perspectives...
“The Through Road,” a solo show by Rebecca Hamm that also features works from her students Meg Lee, Aedylaine Santos and Shelby Rubalcava, will be on view at Ahmad Shariff Art Gallery, 107 Harvard Ave., Claremont, July 6-27. “In ‘The Through Road,’ Rebecca Hamm...
Concerts Enjoy the city’s annual summer tradition of concerts at Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd., starting at 7 p.m. each Monday from July 8 through August 26. This month’s performers include Cold Duck ona July 8, The Silverados on July 15, The Smokin’ Cobras...
The Claremont Art Walk is set for 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 6. Here’s what’s on tap: Ahmad Shariff Art Gallery, 107 Harvard Ave., welcomes Rebecca Hamm’s “The Through Road.” Bunny Gunner, 230 W. Bonita Ave., exhibits small works by local artists alongside Studio C....
What’s happening Claremont? by Andrew Alonzo | calendar@claremont-courier.com Friday, July 5 The free war and existentialism book club meets at the Joslyn Center, 660 N. Mountain Ave., Claremont, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. the first Friday of each month. July’s...
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