Fire in the sky

Fire in the sky

Temperatures hovering near 100 degrees didn’t stop the light show just after sunset Monday at June Vail Park in Claremont. After a slight dip Thursday into the high 80s, highs will remain in the mid-90s through Sunday. A slight cooling trend is due to start next week....
When fear outweighs envy

When fear outweighs envy

by Steve Harrison I’m not an adventurous or comfortable traveler, and that I lament. When I was younger, I dreamed of faraway travel. I never envisioned myself a jetsetter, but I certainly thought I would get out of California. I haven’t always been quite so afraid to...
Where am I?

Where am I?

Congratulations to Marlene Morgan, who was chosen at random among the 20 readers who correctly identified last week’s “Where Am I?” as the whiteboard along the Thompson Creek Trail near East Pomello Drive, in Claremont. Marlene is now entered into the year-end drawing...