CFA honors growing family at Village Venture
The Children’s Foundation of America sponsored the Claremont Chamber of Commerce’s Village Venture children’s costume parade on Saturday, October 22 and selected the Fullers as the parade’s honored family.
“They have a special dedication to children in need of a loving family, specifically siblings who would otherwise get separated in foster care,” read a CFA news release.
In 2017, Jack and Kendrena Fuller adopted two children. The couple are currently in the process of adopting four more, three of which are siblings; the fourth is a sibling to one of the first two children adopted.
“When the Fullers heard they could help keep the brothers and sisters together, they jumped at the chance to help make that happen, even if it meant expanding their family by four,” the release read.
“They have a bond and a shared experience; they should be together,” Kendrena said when asked why it was important to keep the siblings together.
Following the parade, the growing family was surprised with tickets to Disneyland from the Children’s Foundation of America. CFA’s holiday gala presentation will include a screening of the Fullers’ story on December 1 at Laemmle’s Claremont 5 Theater.
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