Claremont Art Walk returns for the month of May

This portrait of the late Jan Wheatcroft by Anne Seltzer is on display throughout the month of May at Studio C, 260 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont Photo/courtesy Claremont Art Walk

Claremont Art Walk takes place from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, May 6.

Crescent Tree Corpa
206 W. Bonita Ave. #G
Sofia Shu, “Equilibrium”
“These meticulously harmonized geometric paintings and tapestries by Sofia Shu strive to inspire a sensation of balance and serenity within the viewer,” read a press release. “As the eye travels along their labyrinthine curves, precise lines, and soft gradients, her works manifest a meditative dimension that encourages a calm and contemplative state. While a work may begin with a sketch, she allows the composition to develop intuitively until it has achieved a satisfying equilibrium. The resulting works feel complete and entirely at peace, with a pleasing rhythm and no element out of place.”


Bunny Gunner
230 W. Bonita Ave.
Sumi Foley, “Distant Neighbors”
“Trees have been nourishing the earth and us in many ways over the centuries,” read a press release. “Our appreciation for trees is getting deeper lately. When I touch or lean on trees, I feel protected, I can rest. I want to learn wisdom from trees. The feeling is just as if I have come back to my home.”


Studio C
260 W. Bonita Ave.
Jan Wheatcroft, “Jan’s Journey”
Jan Wheatcroft died April 23. “She left behind many beautiful things and these will be displayed and sold at Studio C for the entire month of May,” read a press release. “We will have many of Jan’s items as well as many items of local artists from her collections. Jan will be missed. Come by this month and write down a favorite memory.”


Hafif & Associates Law Group
269 W. Bonita Ave.
Carter Hafif, “Facets of Nature”
“Carter is showing his photographs of landscapes around the world showcasing the beauty and magnificence of Mother Nature,” read a press release.


Claremont Chamber of Commerce
205 Yale Ave.
Lauren Verdugo, “Upcycled Portraits”
“Lauren is a Southern California based artist and furniture maker. Her work ranges from furni­ture to sculp­ture with no limi­ta­tions on mixing media,” read a press release. “Found objects, steel, wood and card­board are all in constant exper­i­men­ta­tion.”


Square I
110 Harvard Ave.
Sandy Garcia, “Chromatic Souls”
“Through art Sandy strives to tell stories that connect with the viewer on a spiritual and human level,” read a press release. “Each piece reflects a unique emotion, evoking a sense of freedom and liberation for the soul.”


Ahmad Shariff Art Gallery
107 Harvard Ave.
Elisa Arancibia, “A Brush with Nature”
“Experience the beauty of nature through the eyes of the plein-air artist Elisa,” read a press release. “Celebrating Mother’s Day, this captivating display features serene landscapes, picturesque views, and stunning vistas. Treat yourself or your mother to a moment of tranquility and let the exhibition inspire you to connect with the natural world and cherish the ones you love.”


Claremont Lewis Museum of Art
200 W. First St., in the Depot
“StART It Up!”
An exhibition curated and installed by the high school students of CLMA’s Project ARTstART will include artwork from units presented to fourth through sixth grade classes at Mountain View, Oakmont, Sumner/Danbury, Sycamore and Vista del Valle elementary schools. ARTstART students will host drop-in artmaking based on art projects displayed. In addition, “Anthem of the Teenage Artist” will showcase selected works from members of Claremont High School’s IB Studio Art class, taught by Missy Wonacott.


Pomona Valley Art Association
317 W. First St.
Sonia Sleeger and Ed Gandara, “Species Large and Small”


Claremont Forum
586 W. First St.
Shandra Dyess
“Shandra began painting at the age of 13 and has now been honing her craft for 17 years, specializing in oils,” read a press release. “Shandra is a versatile artist who is not limited to one particular style.”


The Laemmle Theater
450 W. Second St.
Carrie Knoll, “The Beauty of Common Things”
“These images were inspired by my everyday surroundings,” read a press release. “I have emphasized light and dark, curves and diagonals, and bold color. Birds are clearly my favorite subject. The delicacy and pattern of feathers, the graceful curve of an Egret’s neck, and the startling blue of Cormorant’s eye, never cease to delight and amaze me. Many of these photographs were taken in nearby Bonelli Park.”


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