Claremont Club representatives honored with Life Saving Award

The Claremont Police Department recently recognized the trio with its Life Saving Award. Pictured above are members of the Claremont Police Commission, City Council, Police Chief Aaron Fate, representatives from The Claremont Club, and holding their awards (L-R) are Norma Perez, Michelle Bassette, and Joanne Livolsi, with Mr. Lew (in Hawaiian shirt). Photo/courtesy of Claremont Police Department

On July 11, 2022, Clint Lew had a massive heart attack while playing racquetball with friends at the Claremont Club. Norma Perez was nearby, saw Lew was in distress, and ran to the front counter and told staff to call 911. When Perez returned to the racquetball court Lew was lying on his back and breathing abnormally. Bystanders could not feel a pulse and Perez started CPR.  Moments later, Claremont Club employee Joanne Livolsi took over chest compressions. At the same time, Livolsi’s co-worker Michelle Bassette readied an automated external defibrillator.  She administered two shocks with the AED and Lew started breathing.

Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel from Engine 62 and Squad 101 then arrived and took over. Lew was transported to Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, where he underwent quintuplet bypass surgery for multiple blockages in the vessels of his heart. His least occluded vessel was 77% blocked, with the largest 99% obstructed. Lew made a complete recovery over the following days with no neurological deficits or major health ramifications. His cardiologist told him he would not have survived if not for the quick actions taken by Perez, Livolsi, and Bassette.

The Claremont Police Department recently recognized the trio with its Life Saving Award. Pictured above are members of the Claremont Police Commission, City Council, Police Chief Aaron Fate, representatives from The Claremont Club, and holding their awards (L-R) are Norma Perez, Michelle Bassette, and Joanne Livolsi, with Mr. Lew (in Hawaiian shirt). Photo/courtesy of Claremont Police Department


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