CLMA to open ‘Transformations in Glass’
On Saturday, October 1, Claremont Lewis Museum of Art will present the work of Kéké Cribbs, Richard Marquis, and David Svenson in a new exhibit, “Transformations in Glass: Vitreous Funk, Fantasy, and Light,” during the Claremont Art Walk.
A 6 to 9 p.m. public reception will be held at the Depot Plaza, 200 W. First St., Claremont, next to the Metrolink Station.
The exhibit will showcase blown glass objects, sculptures, mosaics, and works in neon, and will remain on view through February 5, 2023.
The museum is open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Fridays are free, as are the first Saturdays and Sundays of each month. General admission outside those days is $5. Children under 18, students, and CLMA members are free every day.
For more information go to or call (909) 621-3200.