Ed Reece selected as chair of transportation committee
On Thursday the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments’ Transportation Committee elected Claremont Mayor Pro Tem Ed Reece to serve as its chair, according to a news release from the agency.
“I am honored by the confidence shown in me by my fellow transportation committee members from across the San Gabriel Valley as together our cities respond to the many transportation challenges facing our region of nearly two million residents,” Mayor Pro Tem Reece said.
The committee chose City of Industry Mayor Cory Moss to be its vice chair.
The transportation committee studies problems, programs, and other matters which pertain to the regional issues of mobility, air quality, and transportation control measures. The committee also provides policy recommendations to the SGVCOG Governing Board on issues related to transportation.
Mayor Pro Tem Reece, who has been a champion for bringing light rail to Claremont, also serves as the chair of the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority Board of Directors.