Event Calendar: February 14-22, 2025

What’s happening Claremont? 

by Andrew Alonzo | calendar@claremont-courier.com


Friday, February 14

  • Happy Valentine’s Day!



  • RSVP for free 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. tours of Keck Graduate Institute, 535 Watson Dr., Claremont, at kgi.edu/calendar.


  • The Pomona Valley Brass Quintet plays a free and open to the public 12:15 p.m. concert at Balch Auditorium, 1030 N. Columbia Ave.


  • The First Wives Club” is this week’s 12:30 p.m. movie matinee at Joslyn Center, 660 N. Mountain Ave., Claremont. Free popcorn is available. Call (909) 399-5488 for more info.


  • The second of three free 3:45 p.m. quilting workshops for children ages 10 to 17 takes place at the Claremont Helen Renwick Library, 208 N. Harvard Ave., with instructions on how to submit your quilt to the Los Angeles County Fair. RSVP at visit.lacountylibrary.org/events.


  • People with disabilities are invited to a 5 p.m. dance at La Verne Community Center, 3680 “D” St. Admission is $10.


  • Rent,” by Citrus College’s Musical Theatre Workshop, continues at 7 p.m. February 14-15, and 2 p.m. Sunday, February 16 at 1000 W. Foothill Blvd., Glendora. Tickets, $20-$34, are at tickets.haughpac.com/overview/rent.


  • Performances of “Menopause The Musical 2” at Lewis Family Playhouse, 12505 Cultural Center Dr., Rancho Cucamonga, are set for 7:30 p.m. today; noon and 4 p.m. Saturday, February 15; and 2 p.m. Sunday, February 16. Tickets, $60-$65, are at lewisfamilyplayhouse.com/events.



Saturday, February 15

  • Ontario’s free and open to the public puppy love dog pawty at James R. Bryant Dog Park, 648 W. D St., runs from 9 a.m. to noon.


  • Claremont Helen Renwick Library, 208 N. Harvard Ave., hosts a free and open to the public 10 a.m. panel discussion, “The Effects of Cults on Children and Families,” featuring social worker Marie Carr, criminologist Christopher Smith, and author Michelle Dowd, who was born into a religious cult.






  • Ophelia’s Jump Productions hosts musicians Janette Combs, David Hostetler and Ed Hume Santos for a 7:30 p.m. performance at 2009 Porterfield Way, Suite H, Upland. Admission is $22 at opheliasjump.org, click “buy tickets.”



Sunday, February 16

  • California Botanic Garden and Pomona Valley Audubon Society’s family bird festival, featuring educational activities, live birds, crafts, games, food trucks and booths from birding groups, runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 1500 N. College Ave., Claremont. Admission for non-member adults is $15, seniors and students $11, children ages 3 to 12 $5, and free for CalBG members and non-members under age 3. Tickets and info are at calbg.org.


  • Pilgrim Memorial Library host a free 12:30 p.m. presentation featuring local author Constance Cassinelli who will speak about her book, “Caro Nicola: Promise Kept,” at 600 N. Garey Ave., Pomona. Copies will be available for purchase.


  • Polyhedra plays from 2 to 5 p.m. for this week’s Jazz at College Center concert at 665 E. Foothill Blvd., Claremont. More info is at jazzatcollegecenter.com.


  • Foothill Philharmonic Committee hosts Pomona College Emeritus Professor of Music Jon Bailey for “Leonard Bernstein Musician for all Seasons,” a free and open to the public 2 p.m. concert at Granite Creek Community Church, 1580 N. Claremont Blvd., Claremont.


  • Queen tribute band Bohemian Queen performs from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. as part of the free and open to the public Scripps Presents series at Bowling Green Lawn, 1030 Columbia Ave., Claremont. Food trucks will be on site at 6 p.m. RSVP at scrippscollege.edu/events/calendar.



Monday, February 17

  • City and Claremont Unified School District offices will be closed in observance of President’s Day. Trash will also be delayed one day.


  • Author, journalist and Scripps alumna Nora Zelevansky speaks about her career and her latest novel, “Pick-Up,” during the free and open to the public Scripps Presents @Noon program at Scripps College’s Hampton Room, 1030 Columbia Ave., Claremont.




Tuesday, February 18


  • Author Lee Hawkins speaks about his family memoir, “I Am Nobody’s Slave: How Uncovering My Family’s History Set Me Free,” at a free 11 a.m. virtual talk. RSVP at visit.lacountylibrary.org/events.


  • Jacek Kugler, Claremont Graduate University’s Elisabeth Helm Rosecrans Professor of International Relations, speaks at noon over Zoom on “Generalized Power Transition,” as part of CGU’s Tuesday Talks series. Learn more or sign up at research.cgu.edu, click “Division of Politics & Economics,” then “Tuesday Talks.”


  • Free flu and updated COVID-19 shots are available while supplies last at Claremont Helen Renwick Library’s 1 to 3 p.m. vaccine clinic at 208 N. Harvard Ave. Register at visit.lacountylibrary.org/events. Walk-ins are welcome. Health insurance is not required but information will be requested.


  • Christine Emba, a staff writer at The Atlantic, and Elizabeth Nolan Brown, a senior editor at Reason, continue Claremont McKenna College’s free and public Athenaeum speaker series with a 6 p.m. program, “The Sexual Revolution on College Campuses: Are We Really Liberated?” at Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum, 385 E. Eighth St., Claremont. Info is at cmc.edu/athenaeum.


  • Su Yeong Kim, a professor of human development and family sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, talks about ways “language brokering affects adolescent development using survey, behavioral and daily diary study designs” at a free and public 6 p.m. Scripps Presents program at Balch Auditorium, 1030 Columbia Ave., Claremont.



Wednesday, February 19


  • Claremont Helen Renwick Library, 208 N. Harvard Ave., hosts a free and public noon to 4 p.m. Naloxone (Narcan) clinic. Learn more at visit.lacountylibrary.org/events.




  • Kindergarten through second grade students can strengthen their spelling, writing and storytelling skills at literacy builders, a free 4 to 5 p.m. educational session at Ovitt Family Community Library, 215 E. C St., Ontario.


  • The Claremont Center for Mathematical Sciences screens “Journeys of Black Mathematicians: Creating Pathways” at a free and public 4:15 p.m. event at Rose Hills Theater at Smith Campus Center, 170 E. Sixth St., Claremont. Meet the director George Csicsery at a 3:30 reception. A panel discussion follows at 5:30.


  • fundraiser to support the choirs of Claremont High School takes place from 5 to 8 p.m. at Pizza N’ Such, 202 Yale Ave., Claremont. Kyle Ward, the new choral director of El Roble Intermediate and Claremont High schools, will be on hand from 6 to 8 p.m.






Thursday, February 20


  • Elise Noyes, soprano and an instructor at Seattle Voice Lab, delivers “A Soprano’s Mission: Gender Affirming Voice Training,” her 12:45 p.m. program part of Claremont McKenna College’s free and public Athenaeum speaker series at Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum, 385 E. Eighth St., Claremont. More info is at cmc.edu/athenaeum.


  • Learn the impacts of teenagers in the Civil Rights Movement and create a coaster at La Verne Library’s 4 p.m. workshop for kids ages 13 to 17 at 3640 D. St. RSVP at visit.lacountylibrary.org/events.


  • Los Angeles County Library staff will talk about Black female authors and recommend titles at a 4 to 5 p.m. virtual session. RSVP at visit.lacountylibrary.org/events.


  • Artists from Piñata Design Studio will teach a 21+ workshop on how to make heart-shaped pinatas from 6 to 9 p.m. at Claremont Lewis Museum of Art, 200 W. First St. Tickets are $35, $30 for CLMA members, at eventbrite.com, search “Claremont Lewis Museum of Art.”


  • Active Claremont hosts Nona Tirre who will share ways the Rotary Club of Claremont supports the community at a free and open to the public 7 p.m. meeting at Alexander Hughes Community Center, 1700 Danbury Rd., Claremont.




  • Scripps’ Vice President of External Relations and Institutional Advancement Binti Harvey speaks with mental health advocate, author, and journalist Sophie Grégoire Trudeau at a free and open to the public 7 p.m. Scripps Presents program at Garrison Theater, 231 E. 10th St., Claremont. RSVP at scrippscollege.edu/events/calendar.


  • Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and The New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof discusses “the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, student activism, the 2024 presidential election, and the future of the American left” at a free and open to the public 7:30 p.m. event at Rose Hills Theatre inside Smith Campus Center, 170 S. Sixth St., Claremont.




Friday, February 21

  • Alfred Cramer and Phillip Young perform works by Brahms and Viardot at a free and open to the public 12:15 p.m. concert at Balch Auditorium, 1030 N. Columbia Ave.


  • The great junk hunt flea market returns to Fairplex expo hall 4, 1101 W. McKinley Ave., Pomona, at 4 p.m. today and 10 a.m. Saturday, February 22. Tickets, $10-$20, are at thegreatjunkhunt.com.



  • People 50 and over are invited to a 6 p.m. Love Boat themed dance at James L. Brulte Senior Center, 11200 Base Line Rd., Rancho Cucamonga. Admission is $15 at cityofrc.us/events.


  • Journalist Katie Drummond, global editorial director ofWired, shares how artificial intelligence can help organizations during a free and open to the public 7 to 8 p.m. Scripps Presents program at Balch Auditorium, 1030 Columbia Ave., Claremont. RSVP at scrippscollege.edu/events/calendar.



Saturday, February 22


  • A free 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. volunteer income tax assistance clinic takes place every Saturday through March 29 at Pomona Public Library, 625 S. Garey Ave. It is open to those with a gross income of less than $60,000. Visit pomonaca.gov for more info.


  • Cindy Macias leads free community block printing workshops— noon in Spanish, 2 p.m. in English — at Ontario Museum of History and Art, 225 S. Euclid Ave. Sign up at ontariomuseum.org/programs.



  • Tickets are $40 for Claremont Heritage’s 2:30 p.m. art tour of Claremont United Church of Christ, 233 Harrison Ave. RSVP at claremontheritage.bigcartel.com. The tour is limited to 30 people.


  • Frank Garcia, Tan Jazz Mont, and Jose Lozano, featured artists and collectors from current exhibits at Claremont Lewis Museum of Art, and special guest Maria Esther Fernandez, artistic director of The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art and Culture, speak about the intersection of art and community in the Latinx community at a free and public 5:30 p.m. program at 200 W. First St., Claremont. RSVP or learn more at eventbrite.com, search “Claremont Lewis Museum of Art.”



  • Turtle Island/Abya Yala: Indigenous Lands” takes place at 7 p.m. at Scripps College’s Garrison Theater, 231 E. 10th St., Claremont. The free and open to the public performance includes Scripps Department Music Chair Hao Huang, spiritual leader of the Gabrielino Shoshone Tribal Council Javier Ramirez, dancer Destiny Rivera-Gomez, musicians Micah Yan-jie Huang, Jonah Yan-han Huang, and Emma Gies, and more. Info is at scrippscollege.edu/events/calendar.


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