Event Calendar (July 29 – August 6, 2022)
Riverside farmer Brian Griffith rearranges some of his stock of oranges during the Claremont farmers’ market on Sunday in the Village. When the market moved temporarily to its location on Harvard Avenue the expanded space allowed organizers to increase the number of vendors including Mr. Griffith. The new location has proved to be so popular that the manager Oscar De Leon is looking into making the move permanent. COURIER photo/Steven Felschundneff
by Andrew Alonzo | calendar@claremont-courier.com
What’s Happening Claremont?
Friday, July 29
- The Service Center for Independent Life is holding an open to the public summer bash outside its Spring Street Center offices, 107 S. Spring St., between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. with games, food, fun and more. For more details, contact (909) 621-6722.
- Whether you are a complete beginner or are looking to improve your tap-dancing skills, the Joslyn Center, 660 N. Mountain Ave., hosts an easy tap dance course every Friday at 12:30 p.m. The course is free and open to seniors. For more details or to register, call (909) 399-5488.
- Hillcrest La Verne is hosting a Latin jazz night at its meeting house, 2705 Mountain View Dr., La Verne, starting at 7 p.m. Join the retirement community for small bites, refreshments, and live music by The Black Diamonds. Dancing is heavily encouraged. More information is at (909) 392-4111.
Saturday, July 30
- The Pomona Red Cross Blood, Platelet and Plasma Donation Center, 100 Red Cross Circle, will host a blood, power red and AB plasma donation drive between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Appointments can be made at redcrossblood.org. For more info, call (909) 859-7070.
Sunday, July 31
- Every Sunday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Claremont Farmers and Artisans Market is held in the Village. The weekly market is the perfect place to find unique crafts made locally as well as organic food, clothing and jewelry. For more information, visit claremontforum.org/claremont-farmers-market-2.
- Joel Paat Jazz will perform a free three-hour concert beginning at 2 p.m. at College Center, 665 E. Foothill Blvd. For more information or to view the monthly lineup, visit jazzatcollegecenter.com.
- Every Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m., the Joslyn Center, 660 N. Mountain Ave., hosts pétanque at adjacent Larkin Park. The French game was invented in 1907 and draws similarities to lawn bowling, Bocce and marbles. The course is free and open to the community. To register, contact the center at (909) 399-5488.
Monday, August 1
- The Joslyn Center holds gentle yoga, a free course where the practice is taken nice and slow for all, especially beginners, on Mondays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The community is invited. Call (909) 399-5488 for more information.
- The city’s Monday night concert series continues at Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd., with a performance by jazz, rock, R&B, and Latin band Suave. The free concerts begin at 7 p.m. and are presented by the City of Claremont and the Kiwanis Club of Claremont. Crowds are invited to come early to set up on the grass and enjoy concessions. For more information call (909) 399-5490.
Tuesday, August 2
- The Service Center for Independent Life is hosting a hybrid math class for people with disabilities at 11 a.m. over Zoom at s2v.bca.myftpupload.com/events/math-class/. Call (909) 621-6722 for more info.
- Residents can play pinochle for free with friends or other interested players every Tuesday from noon to 3 p.m. at the Joslyn Center, 660 N. Mountain Ave. Masks are required as this event takes place indoors. Contact the Joslyn Center at (909) 399-5488 for details.
- Claremont business owners are invited to a late lunch mob with chamber of commerce members and other businesses at Tokyo Kitchen, 8851 Central Ave. Unit J, in Montclair. Cocktails begin at 4 p.m. and dinner will be served between 4:30 and 5. To RSVP, visit http://business.claremontchamber.org/.
- This week’s free and open to the community movies in the park event is presented by the Claremont Police Department and moves up a day in recognition of 2022 National Night Out. Information and exhibits on neighborhood safety will begin at 6 p.m. at Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd. Disney’s Encanto will screen at 8 p.m. As always, families are invited to stop by the park early to enjoy concessions and preshow activities. Residents are reminded to bring blankets or lawn chairs to avoid sitting on the ground. For details, call (909) 399-5490.
Wednesday, August 3
- On the first Wednesday of the month, the Joslyn Center hosts a 9:45 a.m. writing workshop group. In this safe space, writers offer responses to each other’s writing on elements such as organization, plot, setting, character development, point of view, and overall effectiveness. To join the group, call the center at (909) 399-5488.
- Join the National Hot Rod Association Museum for Twilight Cruise Night at the Pomona Fairplex, 1101 W. McKinley Ave. from 5 to 8 p.m. The free event showcases vehicles from 1984 and earlier. For more info visit nhramuseum.org/twilight-cruise.
- At 6 p.m., Keith Powell American Legion Post 78 in Claremont will host a general meeting and Hawaiian luau at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, 830 W. Bonita Ave. Veterans, their families, and the public are invited to attend and meet American veteran neighbors, learn more about their local American Legion Post, and witness its 2023 officers being installed. Dinner is $13 and proceeds will help Claremont Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. For details, contact post commander Allen Rodriguez at (909) 244-4549.
- The community and human services commission will host a 7 p.m. meeting in council chambers, 225 W. Second St. Information is at ci.claremont.ca.us/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/5867/20.
Thursday, August 4
- Every Thursday, seniors are invited to meet at Thompson Creek Trail with Get Walking Claremont. Walks, brisk or easy, begin at 8 a.m. and participants are asked to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early to sign in and hear announcements. Get Walking Claremont asks those who are not fully vaccinated to please wear a mask when unable to keep distance from others.
- Children can enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and exercise while learning school readiness skills at Claremont Helen Renwick Library’s smarty pants story time, which begins at 10:15 a.m. at 208 N. Harvard Ave. Attendance is limited, and advance registration is required. For details, go to visit.lacountylibrary.org/event/6817649.
- AgingNext will host its good reads book club via Zoom for AgingNext village members between 2 and 3 p.m. Go to agingnext.org/events/good-reads-book-club-zoom-13 or call (909) 621-9900 for information.
- The Pomona Concert Band’s weekly performance, Concert in the Park, will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the G. Stanton Selby Bandshell, behind the community center building at Ganesha Park, 1575 N. White Ave. Concerts take place every Thursday between July and August and are free to the public. For more information, visit pomonaconcertband.org.
Friday, August 5
- The war and existentialism book club meets on the first Friday of every month from 4 to 5 p.m. at the Joslyn Center, 660 N. Mountain Ave. August’s book of discussion is “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Attendance is free but pre-registration is required by calling (909) 399-5488.
- Friday Nights Live performers include Starlite at Shelton Park, Amanda Castro Band at the Village Plaza, Adrienne Selina outside of the chamber of commerce offices, and Honey Buckets at the city hall patio. The free performances take place from 6 to 9 p.m. For more details visit claremontchamber.org.
- At 2 p.m., author and illustrator Sunny Seki reads his book, “The Tale of Lucky the Cat,” a retelling of the traditional Japanese tale of how a toymaker’s kindness to an injured cat is repaid by good fortune. This free event is for children ages five to 12 and will be held at the Claremont Helen Renwick Library, 208 N. Harvard Ave. For details, go to visit.lacountylibrary.org/event/6895836.
Saturday, August 6
- Browse artwork around the city as various businesses and museums participate in the monthly Art Walk, held the first Saturday of every month between 6 and 9 p.m. More information will appear in next week’s COURIER. For more details, contact claremontartwalkinfo@gmail.com.
- Crossroads Inc. is hosting a yard sale at its Harvard House, 1269 N. Harvard Ave., starting at 8 a.m. Residents will find great deals on household goods, clothing, furniture and more. All proceeds will benefit residents of Crossroads. For more info, contact (909) 626-7847 ext. 101, or email info@crossroadswomen.org.