Lewis Park playground gets a refresh

Eight-year-old Everleigh Fink takes a turn on the cliff rider at the new Lewis Park playground on Saturday. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo

by Andrew Alonzo | aalonzo@claremont-courier.com

Dozens of energetic children availed themselves to the new playground at Lewis Park after a city ribbon cutting on Saturday.

City officials, staff, representatives from Better Claremont Playgrounds and manufacturer/builder Kompan, representatives from U.S. Representative Judy Chu’s and state Assemblymember John Harabedian’s offices spoke at the event.

The reopening of the 881 Syracuse Dr. park comes nearly a year after Better Claremont Playgrounds began a push to improve the play structures at Lewis Park.

“We are so happy we’re finally getting somewhere,” said Anna Collette, a member of the group. “I hope that the park — now that everyone sees this — the city, the commissioners, the city staff, that they understand what we meant from the beginning with wanting something more innovative, accessible, inclusive because I think there were a lot of people that didn’t understand what we even meant by a better playground as much as we tried to describe it. Now they have the a true visual of it.”

With Lewis Park now settled, Better Claremont Playgrounds is setting its sights on other playground improvements throughout the city, Collette said.


(L-R) Desmond Bergmann, 10, and Mila Cox, 8, traverse the climbing structure Saturday at the new playground at Lewis Park. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo


(L-R) Dozens of children cheered on Claremont City Council member Ed Reece, Mayor Corey Calaycay, member Sal Medina, and member Jed Leano as they cut the ribbon to reopen Lewis Park playground Saturday morning. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo


Riley Lewis pushes his daughter Elle, 3, on the swings at the new play structure at Lewis Park. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo


Claremont Mayor Corey Calaycay navigates the ropes of the new climbing structure at Lewis Park on Saturday. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo


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