Ophelia’s Jump presents “The Hall of Final Ruin”

“The Hall of Final Ruin,” a dark comedy Western and the inaugural production of Ophelia’s Jump Productions’ Tenth Anniversary Season, will present its West Coast premiere on Saturday evening on March 12 at OJP.

The play follows 52-year-old La Tules as she tries to achieve a “good death” by putting all her earthly and heavenly affairs in order following her demise, according to the play’s synopsis. However, when La Tules is forced to save her family while in the afterlife, she has to construct an elaborate “final, high-stakes card game” to earn her way into heaven and save her family from ruin. Can she do it all?

“The stakes are high, the pistols are loaded, and the bourbon is flowing,” OJP’s website read.

The short play written by Kelly Mcburnette-Andronicos, debuted in 2019 in Tucson, Arizona. “When you see it, you’ll agree that ‘The Hall of Final Ruin’ is a western like none other,” the website read.

Tickets for the upcoming production are available at https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=ophj. General admission begins at $30 while children (10-12) are $22.

The show will run for five weeks between March 12 and April 10, with special weekday showings throughout.

Ophelia’s Jump Productions is located at 2009 Porterfield Way, Suite H in Upland. For more information about the organization or its upcoming shows, visit https://opheliasjump.org or call (909) 734-6565.

OJP follows COVID-19 safety guidelines outlined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the state of California and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Before entering a theater, audience members must present proof of full vaccination and booster according to OJP.


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