Residential reminders: city holiday event, motel ordinance, CPD’s ‘No-Shave November’
Holiday promenade
The city’s annual holiday promenade and tree lighting ceremony will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, December 2 at the Claremont Depot. The tree lighting ceremony happens at 6 p.m.
Village businesses will double as cheer stops during the event, providing treats and deals to attendees. Maps listing all participating locations will be available at city hall and at the city’s booth near the Depot.
This year’s performers include Dynamite Dawson, Carly Moultrie, the Claremont High School band and holiday carolers. Santa Claus will make a special appearance outside city hall and parents are encouraged to bring a camera to take photos of little ones.
For details call (909) 399-5490.
Motel ordinance meeting
At 6 p.m. Tuesday, November 29, Claremont residents are invited to a special listening session in the Alexander Hughes Community Center’s Padua Room, 1700 Danbury Rd., Claremont, that will focus on the city’s proposed motel ordinance.
No decision regarding the proposed ordinance will be made at the meeting. Instead, this is an open forum for citizens to ask questions and elicit feedback on the ordinance. City staff are currently gathering data for the ordinance and will present it next year at a joint police and planning commission meeting.
A Zoom link will be provided so the public can watch the meeting live, and a recording will be made available on the city’s website. Online spectators will not be able to comment live during the session. If you are unable to attend but still want to ask a question or provide feedback, email the assistant to the city manager Katie Wand, at
More information on the ordinance and the listening session can be found at
Claremont PD participate in No-Shave November
This November, Claremont police department officers and staff are letting their hair grow out to raise cancer awareness. CPD is partnering with No-Shave November, a web-based organization that raises funds for cancer-fighting organizations, to raise over $2,000 for the cause. To support CPD’s team, donate at