Residential reminders: West Nile virus detected, school safety

West Nile virus detected in Claremont

Last week, the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District detected West Nile virus in the City of Claremont.

As a precaution, residents are asked to remove all standing water on their property to prevent mosquito production. Mosquitos lay eggs in stagnant water such as neglected pools, buckets, and containers. After hatching, younglings can develop into biting adults after just four to seven days.

For added safety, residents should discard any unused containers and bottle caps and use mosquito repellent when going out. To report mosquito activity, sources of standing water, or green pools, call (626) 814-9466 or visit

Stay safe back at school

On Wednesday, August 31, the Claremont Police Department began strictly enforcing traffic laws around each of the Claremont Unified School District school zones to ensure students, staff and parents safely made it on to campus.

The city is reminding all that safety around schools is a “top priority for the Claremont Police Department” and that officers will be patrolling school zones and surrounding streets to ensure drivers travel safely.

Speed limits in school zones are 25 miles per hour.

Drivers must also be vigilant before and after school hours as children walk or ride their bikes on connecting streets during those times. Vehicles have blind spots so always check for children on sidewalks, in driveways, and around your vehicle before backing up.


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