Sandbags are available as storm approaches
Claremont resident Joseph Kammerer leaps over a flooded Bonita Avenue on Thursday during a rainy Thursday morning in the City of Trees. The wet weather in Southern California shows no signs of slowing down with more rain forecast for the weekend following ThursdayÕs storm.
by Steven Felschundneff |
As a strong winter storm approaches residents concerned about flooding can pick up sandbags at any of the city’s three Los Angeles County fire stations.
“When properly filled and placed, sandbags have the ability to redirect storm and debris flows away from homes and improvements. Bags, sand, and shovels are now available at Fire Stations 62, 101, and 102,” according to a news release from the City of Claremont.
If one chooses to fill their own sandbags the bag should be half full so it lies flat. The bags should be stacked in an overlapping “stair step” fashion to create a strong barrier.
The National Weather Service issued a flood warning for Southern California from San Diego Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles counties from Tuesday morning through the evening.
“Flash flooding on Tuesday is possible due to excessive rainfall through the day with isolated afternoon thunderstorms. Rainfall rates of 0.50-0.60 inches per hour expected Tuesday. Higher rainfall rates are expected on coastal mountain slopes, particularly the San Bernardino Mountains, with rainfall rates of 0.75 inches an hour expected” according to the NWS bulletin.
Additionally roads will be slippery and possibly flooded so drivers are advised to use caution.
Since Claremont has not had a local fire in sometime, the likelihood of debris flows is low, however sudden cloudbursts or prolonged heavy rain commonly cause flooding, particularly in our hillside neighborhoods.
Sandbags can be picked up at Station 62, 3701 Mills Ave., Station 101, 608 W. Bonita and Station 102, 2040 N. Sumner Ave. (access off Base Line),