Summer concert series set to light up Pomona

Recently the Pomona Concert Band announced its 75th annual summer concert series was set to begin on July 7 with a special performance titled “Symphonic Celebration.”

Concerts, including the first, will be held at the G. Stanton Selby Bandshell, behind the Community Center building in Ganesha Park, 1575 North White Avenue. Summer concerts will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The summer concert series is scheduled for every Thursday between July and August and will include eight Thursday evening concerts with the finale on August 25, plus one bonus concert. All performances are free to the public so bring your lawn chair and picnic basket, or visit the band’s concession stand for food and drinks. And don’t forget to enjoy an evening of music. Upcoming concerts will be included in the calendar section of the COURIER.

The Pomona Concert Band is under the baton of Linda W. Taylor, Conductor and Musical Director, and Assistant Directors Dr. Jorge Garcia and Kerry Kline. Band members come from Pomona and more than twenty surrounding communities to make music together.

The Pomona Concert Band was founded by G. Stanton Selby in 1947 as part of a local Pomona American Legion Post. The band is celebrating its 75th “Diamond Jubilee” anniversary this year. The Band has represented the City of Pomona in countless events and performances over the years, including tours of Europe and Japan in 1985 and 1988. The band represented the city in April 2015 with a stellar performance at the Association of Concert Bands Convention in Sacramento, California.

The band is sponsored by the City of Pomona. For more information, visit


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