Claremont ready to parade down Indian Hill Boulevard

The blankets and chairs will be placed on Indian Hill Boulevard for days in advance. This year’s parade will follow in the tradition of years past, with hundreds of kids on bikes, dogs in carts and folks on horseback as they all jockey for position in what has become one of the most popular events of the day.

At 3 p.m., spectators head en masse to Indian Hill with children in tow and cameras in hand to stake out the best place to sway with the tunes of the marching band and enjoy the sights of the decorative floats and familiar faces.

Officially kicking off at 4 p.m., the parade will wind west on 10th Street to Indian Hill Boulevard, south on Indian Hill Boulevard to Harrison Avenue, and then west on Harrison Avenue to Mountain Avenue at Larkin Park, where the parade disbands.


Parade Line-Up 2014

Claremont Police Department

Los Angeles County Fire Department

Kids on Bikes

Girl Scouts of Greater LA

Girl Scouts of Greater LA Troops 14814 and 2194

Cub Scouts Pack 408

Grand Marshals: Fritz & Mary Weis

Honored Citizens: Leo & Rosie Bister

Honored Community Group:

    Friends of the Claremont Library

Assemblymember Chris Holden

Claremont City Council

Theme Contest Winner: Pierce Barnum

National Anthem Contest Winner: Anita Mathias

Citrus College Trustee Sue Keith &

   Superintendant Dr. Perri

CUSD School Board & Superintendent

CUSD Teacher of the Year

CUSD Classified Employee of the Year

Claremont High School & El Roble Marching Bands

Democratic Club of Claremont

Pitzer College International Programs

Pomona College

The Rembrandt Club (Pomona College)

Claremont School of Theology

Catholic Community of the Claremont Colleges

City of Claremont Park Rangers


Claremont Chamber of Commerce

CHS Alumni Society

American Legion, Keith Powell Post 78

Mt. San Antonio Gardens

University Club of Claremont

California Miss Amazing

Sahara Azhar Dancers

The California Youth Spirit Corps.-YWCA

Daughters of the American Revolution

Karousel Kids

“Kemper Avenue Family and Friends”

Our Lady of the Assumption School

Claremont Heritage

Pilgrim Place—Mayflower, Pilgrim Pickers,

Peace Vigil Committee

LWV-Claremont Area and AAUW ESGV

Marshall Sirkin

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

The Claremont Irregulars

Claremont Little League

Active Claremont


Claremont Grammarians

Middle Land Chan Monastery

Schlick Family Float

Toastmasters International

CA Faith for Equality

Claremont Fastpitch

Claremont Presbyterian Church

Granite Creek Community Church

David M. Paul Tractor



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