Volunteers needed for Claremont homeless count on January 27
Later this month, the city of Claremont will be participating in the 2015 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count in partnership with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.
Claremont city staff is currently recruiting volunteers to assist with this community effort. Volunteers will meet at the Joslyn Center, 660 N. Mountain Ave., at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27 to receive training, maps, materials and assignments. Teams of two to four volunteers will then be deployed to count specific blocks within Claremont. No walking is required, as Claremont routes will be counted from a private vehicle. It is estimated that each team will spend two to three hours in the field.
The data gathered during this count will be used to determine how resources and vital services are provided throughout the Los Angeles area. Those interested in participating may visit the registration website at theycountwillyou.org to register as a volunteer. Be sure to list Claremont as your affiliation if you would like to be assigned as a volunteer in the city.
You may register directly with the Claremont count location at the following link: http://lahsa.nationbuilder.com/claremont.
For more information, contact Lauren Marshall, management analyst at (909) 399-5356 or by email at lmarshall@ci.claremont.ca.us.