Pomona College pulls zone change request from council agenda

Pomona College requested that the city council item relating to its master plan and the zone change request be removed from tonight’s council agenda.

As published in the COURIER on Friday, April 24, Pomona College was to go before the council tonight, Tuesday, April 28, asking that a parcel of land on the west side of College Avenue be moved from medium-density residential to institutional residential. The college’s April 7 request for the zone change was denied by the city’s planning commission in a split 3-3 vote. At that meeting, the commission did approve the scope of Pomona College’s 15-year master plan, which includes demolition of five buildings, including the Thatcher Music building and the Montgomery Museum of Art.

In addition to the zone change, concerns were raised about the plans for a new Museum of Art  to be located on the west side of College Avenue. The construction of this museum will require demolition of The Cottages, which were originally part of the old Claremont Hotel. The three white bungalows were transferred to Pomona College in 1888.

Although pulled from tonight’s agenda, Pomona College stated to city staff that they would like to  further explore the museum project with the community and address concerns about the scale and design.

—Kathryn Dunn



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