Claremont boy aims to complete mile marker project for Eagle Scout

Jack Campbell, a life scout in Boy Scout Troop 407 and an eighth-grader at El Roble, is working to earn the highest rank for a boy scout—Eagle Scout.
For this rank, Jack must complete an extended community project. Over spring break, April 5 through 8, Jack plans to re-do the mile markers in the Claremont Hills Wilderness Park.  
“I am installing permanent mile markers to ensure the safety of park patrons and to make the park look nicer,” Jack said.
The mile markers will have stainless steel QR codes and various other functions like help alerts, in case people get lost or injured. These new and improved safety features will help in the long run.
“The mile markers are made of 100 percent recycled plastic, so we are helping the environment along with making it a safer experience for park patrons. These mile markers will last practically forever, making them very cost effective,” Jack explained.
Jack joined the Cub Scouts as a Bear Scout while in third grade at Chaparral Elementary. He has earned all 20 achievement pins as well as his Arrow of Light. He bridged over to Boy Scouts in fifth grade and, at 13, will be the youngest Eagle Scout in his troop.  
Jack needs help from the community to cover the cost of materials for his project. For information, email Jack directly at To donate, visit


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