Volunteer Boy Scouts deliver watering toolkits to Claremont homes
In June and July, volunteers and city staff delivered watering toolkits to properties with severely drought-stressed trees. Toolkits were delivered to more than 350 properties to address the watering of more than 500 trees.
The toolkits included a soaker hose for each tree that was deemed drought-stressed and educational materials on proper watering.
On Saturday, July 23, a group of 35 Boy Scouts from Claremont Pack 408 volunteered to conduct follow-up assessments on trees that received watering toolkits.
After a short training, the scouts were off to over 300 properties to determine if soaker hoses were being used. Scouts looked to see if the soaker hose was in place and if the soil surrounding the tree was moist. About half the properties were using the soaker hose or have installed a permanent drip irrigation system.
Claremont city staff will be working with more service groups to complete an additional assessment in the coming weeks.