Non-profits make their case for much needed Claremont city money

More than 20 local nonprofit organizations will appear before the Claremont Community and Human Services Commission beginning Wednesday to appeal for city funding through the Community Based Organization (CBO) and Homeless Programs.

Both programs provide an opportunity for the city of Claremont to help aid local nonprofit organizations dedicated to providing for the needy in the local community. CBO is dedicated to building the social, economic and family infrastructure within the city of Claremont. The homeless program serves those providing shelter and aid to the chronically homeless, those without reliable shelter or on the verge of homelessness.

The city has allocated $86,650 for the 2012-2013 CBO Program with $60,000 available through the Homeless Program.

The oral presentations begin with appearances by 13 of the organizations Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Presentations will conclude with the final 13 at a special meeting with the commission at City Hall Thursday at 7 p.m. 

Complete story in our Wednesday edition.


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